WEEK 1: Went and visited my family in Blaine, WA (north of Seattle on the Canadian border). Had a nice visit. Maintained my running. We arrived on Monday and I didn't run before leaving, so I ran just before dinner time. NOT a fun time to run, I definitely prefer the morning. Ran once down to the harbor and back, that was really nice. I especially enjoy seeing the Blue Heron, there are a lot of them by the water. There is a nice park by the harbor where we go to watch the sunset, see some wild life, and found marion berries that were about ripe for picking!

WEEK 2: During the 2nd week, we left the kids in Sandpoint to enjoy one last week by the lake and with cousins. We had to go to Sandpoint on the 10th for a baby blessing, and again the following weekend for a family reunion, so it seemed like a good time to leave everyone up there again. Jeff is starting law school this fall, and the early welcome program that he is participating in started on that Tuesday.
It was also the last week of my Couch to 5K running program, which I was excited to complete, I had to run 3 miles this week for all three of my runs. I ran on Monday and was feeling really go about the distance. On Tuesday I went cycling, heading on the bike trail towards Troy. There is one place on the trail where you go down a hill and at the bottom there is a 90 degree turn. I thought I could handle the turn at a faster speed than normal and discovered, the hard way, that I could not. In the middle of crash I remember thinking "that noise I hear is my helmet sliding along the ground". After lying there for a moment, I got up, checked myself over and discovered my arm bleeding in multiple places and my hip was sore, but otherwise I appeared fine. My bike also appeared to be undamaged. I considered my options and decided to ride home if my bike really was o.k. I walked back up the hill, got on my bike and rode the 5 miles home. There I took a bath (seemed the best way to clean out road rash) and then discovered that for having 4 kids, I was really low on 1st aid supplies. I had to go to the store for larger band aids and first aid cream!
It has been almost 3 weeks since the accident. All of my scabs are gone. The largest bruise I have ever seen graced my leg and hip has faded. My hip is still a bit sore and my neck is stiff, and I have road rash scars on my wrist, elbow and shoulder. On both that Friday and Saturday I ran 3 miles, so that I can say that I completed my running program and never missed a run! Though my hip still gets sore when I run, especially around the half way mark. Then it just goes numb.
WEEK 3: Got home from the family reunion over the weekend, it was good to see many of Jeff's aunt and uncles again. Not many cousins made it this time. The week was rainy, but the kids enjoyed their last full week of summer break. Started seriously looking for a job. Ran, but decided to take my bike in for a tune up before starting to ride again. Went swimming on Saturday to time myself for 10 laps. This information is needed for the Palouse Sprint Triathlon registration form. I have ran and biked all summer, but that was my first time swimming laps! My time was 12.5 minutes, though I put it 2 minutes slower on the form. It is 4 people per lane during the swim and I don't want to be in too fast of a lane. Plus, the slower swimmers start first!
WEEK 4: A busy week! It was Jeff's first official week of Law School (orientation was last week), and the kids started school on Wednesday. I have been filling out job applications online for up at the University. Two have had extensive questionaires that I have had to fill out, both taking several hours!
I ran twice, Monday and Wednesday, but then noticed that I had a pain in my right knee. I iced it Wednesday evening, and have taken it easy since. I do not notice any pain today, though I will not run till Tuesday. I want to make sure that it is fine so I do not risk a real injury that could side line me for longer. For this Labor Day weekend we are in Sandpoint again. We weren't going to go anywhere, but Dad called on Friday inviting us up, so here we are!
Well, that is my month in a nutshell. I promise to be more diligent in writing. I know that I do better with my training and my diet when I do. My weight has gone up and down all month, and ended up close to the same as at the beginning. Having my work out interupted, has messed with my diet. I tend to lose focus and eat more than I should when I am not as active. I try to be aware, but find myself slipping anyway! So here is to a better September!