Saturday, June 28, 2008

Week (or Weak?) Two!

It has been a rather hectic week. Our main vehicle blew a piston, so it needed a new engine. Considering that our second vehicle is a motorcycle and we are a family of 6, we really need a functioning car! But the cost for a new engine in a suburban, and the value of a suburban in today's market, does not compute! Thank goodness for Craig's list. It only took 2 days to sell and we were able to get a lot more than the $200 scrap value that the car dealership was willing to pay. We were also able to get a good deal on a truck with a full size cab, so we can fit the whole family (more than any car we could get, and we really do not want a mini van :-\. So we had to get all that settled, and what is a crisis at one moment, is history a week later.

I weighed myself last Sunday, and was excited to have lost 5 lbs.! My weight was 233.4. But here I am, almost at the end of a second week, and will be lucky to see any loss on the scale at all. I made the mistake of baking cookies this week (twice), and all of the kids are at Grandma's house, so there was no one here to eat them! I did take quite a few to a friend, but my weakness is in the dough! Let's be honest, I simply ate too much.

Exercise wise, I have completed Week 2 in the Couch Potato to 5K Running plan, which was run for 90 seconds, walk for 2 minutes for a total of 20 minutes. This works out to 6 reps, plus a warm up. I felt really good, still feel like I could do more, but I am sticking with the plan. I also got my bike fixed yesterday, but have not been out on a bike ride yet. With my bike out of commission for the week, I was overall less active than last week because I failed to substitute any other type of activity for my planned bike rides.

So, in a nutshell: My running was really good this week, other exercise was not good. Eating was so - so, except for my cookie fiasco. We will see tomorrow how it all weighs in!

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