Sunday, July 6, 2008

Half Marathon Dreams

Another week down and things are going well. I weighed in today at 230.6, so down 2.2 lbs! A good, healthy weight loss. Though I have to admit that I was hoping to drop below the 230 mark this week. But with the 4th of July holiday and visiting family, it was tough to put up any extra effort.

I realized this past week that I had not made any mention of my ultimate goal this year. The last few years as I approached the big 4-0, I wanted to do something BIG! At first I was thinking things like an Ironman Triathlon, but then I realized that before doing an Ironman I should do a marathon; after all, the last leg of an Ironman is a marathon. It just happens to come after the 2.4 mile swim and 112 mile bike!

But I never got my act together. I turned 40, still thinking big, but also heavier and lazier than ever. So when I started to get serious a month ago, the reality is that I could never be ready to complete a marathon before I turned 41 next February. But I believe that I can do a Half Marathon!

So I started cruising the race schedules, and the most convenient Half Marathon is Oct. 18th in Lewiston, ID. A flat course (a desireable benefit though I live in a hilly area) and not that far of a drive from home. But I honestly do not know if I can be ready. I found a 12 week half marathon training program that I could do after my Couch-to-5K program, but Oct. 18th does not give me enough weeks to complete both programs. Especially since I should wait a few weeks between the two programs to adjust to running 5K on a regular schedule.

My other options come a month later in Seattle or Bellingham, WA. I am not at home right now (still out of town for the holiday) so I do not remember the exact dates (I believe Seattle is Thanksgiving weekend and I think Bellingham may be a bit later), but it gives me something to ponder! Though I am leaning towards a later date, more training time just gives me more confidence in being able to complete this goal!

But we must always dream bigger, if I can do a half marathon this year, then next year I can do a Half Ironman Triathlon and/or a full marathon!

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