My long run is now up to 9 miles, and I am over half way through my training program. My half marathon is 4 weeks from this weekend. I really feel that I am will be ready. This next month I am going to concentrate on my diet. I know that a better diet is crucial to improving my running, since it is the fuel my body is running off of (so to speak ;-).
On a side note, three of my kids decided to be Star Wars figures for Halloween: Darth Maul, Yoda and Princess Leia. I decided to help out and it was quite a day! I am nowhere near being a seamstress, but today I pulled out the sewing machine to make hoods, belts and Yoda ears. Then spent a couple of hours on make-up and hair. They turned out quite cool, if I may say so myself! My oldest daughter (a senior), who hasn't been trick or treating for about 6 years, had a friend come visit and also went out. They were their own kind of Super Hero's. Being the oldest, she felt that she had outgrown Halloween when she was 12, so it was good to see her go out be a kid. A cousin was also visiting and he dressed as Goliath. He is quite tall, and wore really small armor. Clever idea!

Well, I will give weekly updates through the next month as I approach the Half Marathon. Let y'all know how it's going!
Ciao for Now!
Ciao for Now!
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