Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pursue Your Dream!

I started out this year with great ideas of running a half marathon in March and a full marathon in May, but when I was struck with platar faciaitis in Frebruary and find myself still not running a couple of months later because of the twinge in my heal, it is rather depressing.

I keep thinking that I should search the internet for something else that I can do, a new goal. But I keep putting it off because of the uncertainties that I feel.

But I came across a YouTube video lately (embedding not allowed) that made me realize that regardless of the obstacles, we should always continue to pursue our dreams.

Though I have not been running, I have been going to spin class three to five times a week, so that is good. Hopefully that will make a difference when I start running again to not have to start at the beginning. I believe that if I am careful, I can still complete a marathon this year!

So, that is my dream, and here is to Susan Boyle for being brave enough to pursue her dreams!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Michelle, that is sad to have plantar facaitis, since you're such an awesome runner. But this spin class is filling the bill until you can run again. Good luck healing the heel. Love, Mom